Wednesday 7 November 2007

Marxist and Pluralist Consequences
This is the 'game' we played in class the bold points are my views

-Pluralism is a society where consumers have various choices therefore it is a good thing as the audience can decide what they want to consume rather than being told what to watch, read and buy.

-Not really if institutions like Sky, which provide a package that has an all in one…it is easier to get Sky rather than looking for choice

-Whatever! They can get whatever they want. It is up to them no one is forcing them.

-The audience are aware of what they want. There is more choice for them; this is due to the growth of the internet where everything is available. Pluralism is good.

- But if an institution can keep people happy, then ultimately it can control what the people think as they decide what to show and hat not to show. Hegemony is apparent all the time as a lot of choices have already been made for us.

-Just because Sky provides packages doesn’t mean they control us, the audiences are now more active than they used to be and won’t accept what Sky has to say, they will choose to ‘conform, accommodate or reject’.

- As Althusser stated the media is part of the ISA and as soon as you hit the age of 3 there are programmes out there that ‘brainwash’. As you are brought up media is constantly around helping other ISA such as the education system and religion to pass down norms and values. THIS AGREES WITH MARXISM.

-With the diverse range of choices that the audiences have been given so we are not receiving them passively as we are media literate and the media helps us to maintain this view.

*Sky do not only offer one package they offer a range of channels but yes I can see viewpoint 2’s point, only one person owns sky so it can be bias.
* Viewpoint 4 talks about the internet have different choices, but what about one person posting things on the internet which is not true then the audience are passive they believe what they hear, but again you could argue that people are becoming more literate, which is what viewpoint 6 is arguing.

1 comment:

ﷲKHANﷲ said...

haha..vish is backin me up!!!!