Friday 30 November 2007

uses and gratifications and me

Blumler and Katz
Diversion: I watch music videos or anything on mtv to escape from everyday routine eg doing homework.
Personal Relationships:I watch neighbours and eastenders, however, i do not feel that i watch these texts for emtional interaction
Personal Identity:constructing identity from characters in media text...i dont think i do
Surveillance: I watch the news somtimes, weather reports

Denis McQuail
Information:the news i guess
Learning: some documentries esp the ones on channel 4
Personal Identity:dont have anything to say for this one( i have to say mr bush i dnt think every heading is relevant to every person)
Intergration and social interaction:?
Entertainment: watching films i love watching films dont mind the genre!but not movies like harry potter and lord of the rings

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