Friday 9 November 2007

Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay-34

Job: owners of the Telegraph Group, Press Holdings
Age: 72
Industry: publishing
Circulation: Daily Telegraph 894,258, Sunday Telegraph 655,047 (May 2007), Spectator 72,034
Worth: £1.8bn2006
ranking: 30

*bought it for £665m three years ago.

*In the past 12 months, the Daily Telegraph had yet another new editor in Will Lewis (replacing John Bryant
*the papers have moved from Canary Wharf to new high-tech offices in Victoria, central London, as they belatedly embraced the digital age.

*Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay have a reputation for being hands-off owners, deferring the running of the Telegraph Group to its chairman, Sir David's son Aidan Barclay, and chief executive Murdoch MacLennan.

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