Tuesday 1 April 2008

Which company is Microsoft in merger talks with, and why?ITV to support a share price.Which Broadband provider narrowly avoided sanctions from the ASA this week? Virgin MediaWho featured on YouTube, describing scientology as 'a blast'? Tom CruiseWhat, according to Screen Digest's latest report, is behind a 38% increase in online TV viewing? BBC IPlayerWhich controversial E4 drama is set to return for a second series?SkinsWhich 3-month strike looks set to be resolved just in time for the Oscars? Hollywood's striking film and TV writers.
Which film surprised the bookies by winning the most Baftas?
Edith Piaf biopic, La Vie En Rose
Which recent media scandal appears to have hit BT's share price?
Mini laptop
Which black comedian has recently criticised the media for being 'too white and too middleclass'?
Lenny Henry
Who has attacked the BBC, complaining that its programming decisions are based on 'its own survivalist needs rather than the licence-payer's desires'?Grange Hill creator Phil Redmond has criticised the BBC for axing the school dramaChannel 4 have just made a new appointment. Who have they appointed and why is that appointment controversial? Jonathon Ross and Celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal is set to be the first to move in a deal reported to be worth around £1m - twice what the BBC felt it could offer.Which popular website has been banned in Pakistan, and why?You Tube because of anti-Islamic film clips.
What aspect of the internet is culture secretary, Andy Burnham, determined to crack down on?
film production to recorded music, from advertising to fashion.
Didn't he do well to reach 80? (Question: who on earth am I talking about?)
Bruce Forsythe
ITV's programming has recently undergone a revamp. Which audience were they attempting to reach out to?
younger, upmarket viewers
Which pair of auteurs won an impressive number of Oscars last week?
The Coen brothers
2. Which royal was the subject of a controversial media blackout recently, and why?
Prince Harry, an Australian magazine wrote about that the third in line to the throne was on deployment in Helmand Province
3. Why is Michael Grade under pressure this week?
ITV's profits fell 35% year on year and with the company's share price faltering.
4. Which natural history presenter bowed-out on Monday night, and how many viewers tuned-in to watch his swansong?
David Attenborough, 6.1 million viewers.
5. Which Tory peer and one-time Daily Telegraph owner has just been jailed for embezzlement?
Conrad BlackWhy is BBC Worldwide's acquisition strategy under fire?lower profits this year.2. Which series of programmes has opened the BBC up to allegations of racism?
White Season
3. Why has the ASA banned the latest ad for Ghd's hair straighteners?
because it was likely to cause serious offence, especially to Christians, and banned it from British screens.
4. Why are some blaming the press for the suicide of Chief Constable Mike Todd?
Unconfirmed reports stated that Todd's behaviour over the past few days had concerned colleagues, and there was speculation that a Sunday newspaper was planning to run a story on him.
5. Which glossy women's mag is about to undergo an online re-launch?

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