Sunday 14 October 2007

globalisation conversation

Bill and Ben are having a conflict over the issue of globalisation

Bill: Well lets take Tesco for example if they become a monopoly then we as consumers will have no choice what happened to the whole 'pluralistic society'.. and will be forced to buy our shopping from them compared to competitors like Asda etc. So what i am saying is if Microsoft take over what we do on computers then in theory we will be conforming to the idelogies of Bill Gates....

Ben: I understand but if someone like Bill Gates is doing well and what he is doing then why dont he just carry on. If he is taking over then potentially he is catering for the mainstream audience therefore he will cater for everyones needs, as does Tesco as they now provide electricals as well as groceries....

Bill: Well the media is significant for globalisation. Mcluhan stated the 'global village' if something was happening in India we would get the news in England within seconds. There are multinationals they have an economic advantage as they give 'better audience reach and diversification....'

Ben: As you said we get news from these institutions but how can you be sure that they are not biased for example look at Murdoch who preety much owns everything his views could be implemented on the information the organisation present to the audience which again could be biased....